Cash flow

Effective cash flow management is crucial. Learn tips and techniques to help you maintain a positive cash flow and keep your finances in the black.

Cash flow - overview

Effective cash flow management is crucial. Learn tips and techniques to help you maintain a positive cash flow and keep your finances in the black.

A female customer pays for her flowers in a florists using a card payment

How to take card payments

Most customers these days will pay using a payment card. Discover how you can start taking card payments for invoices, online orders or in person.

Cost cutting illustration

Cutting costs: where do I start?

When your business is ticking over nicely, you can keep spending focused on the right areas. Limiting expenditure could keep you in the black.

man showcasing a piggy bank

How to control credit - checklist

To avoid the risk of late payment - or no payment at all - it's essential to vet the people you offer credit to and make your terms clear.

The letters DEBT on wooden blocks wiht more blocks being stacked on top

How to collect debts - checklist

Almost every business will experience late payment at some point. This practical checklist will help you recover the money you are owed.

Moodboard with 'Costs' in the centre

Drawing up a budget - checklist

A helpful checklist on drawing up your business budget, including what to put in it and who to involve in the process.

A female business owner sits at her desk and carefully checks her budget

Controlling a budget - checklist

Staying on top of your finances is vital if you want your business to succeed. Read our handy hints on controlling your budget.

man controlling stock

How to manage stock - checklist

Poor stock control can seriously impact your cash flow, lead to inefficiency in supplying customers, increased storage costs and wastage. Here's how to control your stock levels.

A bookkeeper is chasing overdue invoices

Essential guide to credit control

Credit control helps you optimise your cash flow and avoid late payment or non-payment. Read our guide to setting up a credit control system.

Businessperson performing budget calculations

Essential guide to budgeting

While you can't know exactly what the future holds, budgeting reduces uncertainty and helps you anticipate problems. Here's how to create a budget.

'COST' written on a piece of paper that's been cut in half by a pair of red scissors

How to control costs

While you may not be able to influence how much customers spend, you can do is to control your costs and look at variable and fixed costs.

An angry businessman tears up a supply contract following a dispute

Q&A: Supply contract disputes

Supply contracts set out key terms and conditions, but what should you do when a supplier's performance falls short of the mark? Here are some tips.

Women paying for for her shopping using her debit card

Five ways to improve cash flow

Cash flow is vital to every business. Rory MccGwire explores ways you can improve your business's cash flow from using accounting software to increasing sales, stock control to reviewing pricing.