Business strategy

A business strategy will help you look at the bigger picture and plan your business' long-term future. Discover how to prepare a business strategy.

Business strategy - overview

A business strategy will help you look at the bigger picture and plan your business' long-term future. Discover how to prepare a business strategy.

Word PROFIT on wooden blocks rasied up each letter

Increasing profitability - checklist

Profitability needs to be the key long-term aim of any business. Follow our helpful tips to ensure you have the best chance of making profits.

A blue sign saying make more money

Ten ways to increase your profits

Firms are always searching for ways to trim their costs and increase their profits, in good times and in bad. Make your business leaner and fitter.

Benchmarking - checklist

How to do benchmarking - checklist

Benchmarking provides a way to measure how effective your processes are, compared to competitors. Here's how to set up benchmarking in your business.

Product designer uses design software to develop new products

Developing new products - checklist

Use this checklist to help to develop new products, from developing new ideas to setting budgets, deciding on product specification and prototyping.

A team work on their business strategy

Q&A: Strategy

Strategy simply means having a plan of action to get your business to where you want it to be. The key is to focus on what you're trying to achieve.

Girl in red top at the top of summit in Ella, Sri Lanka

What goals should you set for your business?

To be successful and grow your business, you should consider reviewing and setting new goals for your business. What objectives should you be setting, and what's the key to achieving them?

Person in the water holding onto a orange lifebuoy ring

10 steps to… Business survival

Statistics show business failures are on the increase. Make sure your business isn't next. We share ten steps to help ensure your business' survival.

Man looking worried thinking about his start-up business

10 common start-up misconceptions

Some great ideas fail, while what appeared marginal businesses have enjoyed great success. So what mistaken beliefs do many new owners have?

A man prepares the tools he needs to carry out a benchmarking exercise

Ten ways to benchmark your business

Benchmarking provides a means to compare your firm against other businesses, and identify areas where you can improve your performance.

A woman runs her business from home

Ten golden rules of home business

Thinking of setting up a home-based business? Intended to help you succeed, here are ten tips from one of the founders of StartUp Britain.