Seven rules for a successful start up

Three employees all looking at a laptop together and making notes

Starting a new venture can be relatively quick and easy – it can often be done from your kitchen table in minutes. It needn't cost the earth either. The challenge begins once your business is up and running.

We share seven simple rules for a successful start up.

  1. Keep things simple. Avoid mixing and matching different systems and apps. Try to use tools that are familiar, intuitive and work together so there’s no steep learning curve. It will give you more time to work on growing the business.
  2. Save money. Use tools that you can easily scale up and down as required. Don't waste money on services and capacity you don't need. Getting all the tools you need in one place also avoids the need for multiple subscriptions to different apps.
  3. Look professional. Set up a business email address. It will make you look more credible and trustworthy. You can create professional email addresses for everyone who works in your business.
  4. Protect documents and data. You need to strike the balance between the ability to share files and folders quickly and easily with the need to keep them safe from prying eyes. Tools like Google Vault will keep your information safe while Google Drive makes it easy to access, share and control files.
  5. Stay organised. Use shared calendars that integrate with other tools to keep everyone in the loop.
  6. Stay connected. Keep in touch with teammates, customers and partners. Tools like Google Chat and Google Meet allow you to invite staff, customers or suppliers to secure video or voice meetings via a Calendar event or email invite.
  7. Collaborate. Make the most of team skills and knowledge by working together. Use shareable documents, presentations or spreadsheets in real-time, without the need to be in the same room. Tools like Google Slides make it easy to create professional, team presentations that are saved automatically so everyone always has the latest version.

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