One of the biggest challenges for any business owner is managing their workload. Having to “do it all” can be overwhelming; many business owners feel like they are constantly running just to keep up and they struggle to achieve a work-life balance.
When you’ve got a long to-do list, it can be tempting to put your head down and just try and get through it. But being busy is not the same as being productive. Do you flit from one thing to another but never finish anything? Do you spend too long on some parts of your business to the detriment of other areas? Are you always focused on the immediate needs of the business but neglecting longer-term goals?
Time management for business owners
Managing your time can help you get more done and make sure it’s in line with your business goals. The first step is to review your workload, look at the priorities and set achievable goals and realistic deadlines. Think about your own strengths and weaknesses and consider what you could delegate - to an employee or by using a freelancer.
Now think about the types of tasks you have to do and when you work best. Set aside time each day for difficult tasks that need peace and quiet; bundle together smaller tasks (admin, customer emails, social media) so that you can tick off lots of little jobs in an hour or two. Turn off notifications; check emails, messages and social media posts regularly but don’t let them become constant interruptions. Whatever you are doing, give it your full attention.
Time management apps
There are lots of strategies for helping you to get more done - simple techniques include the Pomodoro technique that breaks the day into 25-minute chunks with 5-minute breaks. There are also lots of apps for organising or planning (most of which are fairly cheap or free) that can help you manage time, set priorities and keep on top of your to-do list.
Schedule time for your life outside your business - including for hobbies, rest, exercise and being with family and friends. One of the best things about running a business is that you have control over your day; you could prioritise taking your kids to school in the morning, for example, or use your lunchtime to get some exercise. Add these activities and responsibilities to your schedule. Don’t forget that you are your own boss and you can make your own rules.
Time management is a work in progress and it’s worth taking time to review how it is going. Were your deadlines realistic? Are some tasks taking longer than you expected? Are you struggling with some areas of the business? Learn from your experiences and don’t just look at the problems - give yourself credit for what you have achieved.