As a self-employed person or small business, you will be required to file certain information with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and Companies House. Failure to do so can result in late filing and late payment penalties, fines and interest on late payment.
This monthly schedule of important deadlines in the tax year will help you prepare and send off the main forms in good time so you can avoid the penalties.
April 2024
Submit final full payment submission and/or employer payment summary on or before the final pay period for the tax year ending 5 April.
5 Send electronic P46 (Car) for quarter ending 5 April
6 New tax year starts. Key tax rate and rule changes come into effect.
31 Daily £10 penalties (up to 90-day max) for not filing self-assessment tax returns for 2022/23 tax year
May 2024
31 Give each of your employees a P60 with details of their payrolled benefits for 2023/24.
July 2024
5 Agree terms of any PAYE Settlement Agreement for 2023/24 with HMRC.
6 Submit P11D, P11D(b) to HMRC and give copies to employees. This is also the deadline for submitting employee share scheme annual returns for 2023/24.
19 Pay any Class 1A NICs on taxable benefits and taxed award schemes for 2023/24.
31 Second self-assessed tax instalment due for the tax year to 5 April.
31 Additional 5% surcharge due if you don’t pay your 2021/22 income tax bill balance. Additional £300 penalty for failure to file 2021/22 self-assessment tax return.
August 2024
2 Send P46 (Car) relating to the first quarter ending 5 July to HMRC if your company car use has changed.
September 2024
30 Reclaim VAT on supplies from other EU countries if not already claimed in your regular VAT return.
October 2024
5 Deadline for registering income not fully taxed or any capital gains tax liabilities for the 2023/24 tax year.
19 Income tax and NI due under a voluntary PAYE Settlement Agreement paid to HMRC electronically.
31 Self-assessment tax return deadline for paper returns for the year ended 5 April.
November 2024
2 Send P46 (Car) relating to the quarter ending 5 October to HMRC if your company car use has changed.
December 2024
30 Deadline for online tax returns if you want HMRC to collect any underpayment through your PAYE tax code.
January 2025
31 Online self-assessment tax return deadline for year ending 5 April. Automatic £100 penalty if you fail to send in a tax return by this date.
31 First instalment of your self-assessment tax payable to HMRC for the tax year ending 5 April and the balance of your self-assessment tax payment for the year ending 5 April.
31 Additional £300 penalty for failure to file 2021/22 self-assessment tax return and in some cases up to 100% of the tax due.
February 2025
2 Send P46 (Car) relating to the quarter ending 5 January the previous year to HMRC if your company car use has changed).
March 2025
1 Penalty and interest charges applied if you’ve not paid your 2022/23 self-assessment tax bill balance.
Regular monthly deadlines
- Almost all employers need to file PAYE information online in real time.
- 1 Deadline for paying corporation tax (for tax years ended nine months previously)
- 19 Postal deadline for PAYE and NICs for the month (or quarters ending January, April, July or October)
- 22 Online deadline for PAYE and NICs for the month (or quarters ending January, April, July or October)
Last day of each month
- Deadline for submitting corporation tax return for tax year that ended on the same date in the previous year.
- Deadline for submitting company accounts with Companies House (nine months after company year-end).