Start Up blog

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Ten great ideas for a start-up

Date: 28 May 2024


Top seven start-up mistakes you should avoid

Date: 23 May 2024


A young adult has started his own business

Tips for starting a business aged between 16-24

Just 1% of UK business founders are aged under 20 but there's no reason why more young entrepreneurs shouldn't follow suit. We share top tips for young founders and sources of support and grants.

Date: 14 June 2023 By:

A woman relaxes in her luxury hotel bedroom

Essential steps to starting a luxury hotel

Do you dream of owning and running a luxury, boutique hotel? We share seven steps to starting a successful luxury hotel.

Date: 13 June 2023 By:

A group of small business employees using new tech

The role of technology in boosting workplace efficiency

There's no question that technology can boost efficiency and productivity and cut costs. We look at how digital tools can boost company performance and how they can be effectively deployed.

Date: 26 May 2023 By:

A woman is having a Zoom meeting with a colleague

Hybrid work is here to stay

Hybrid working is here to stay. Discover the benefits of hybrid working and how you can effectively introduce it to your business.

Date: 24 May 2023 By:

AI helps to reduce costs by suggesting cost savings

How AI tools are reducing costs through optimisation

AI is all over the news and is appearing here, there and everywhere in business. Discover how AI is helping cut costs and boost efficiency.

Date: 22 May 2023 By:

Diary and calculator with the date 2023 on it

Tax changes you need to know about in 2023

April 6 marks the start of the new UK tax year. Find out what tax changes are planned for 2023 and how could they impact you if you’re a self-employed sole trader?  

Date: 6 April 2023 By:

Graphic representing IoT devices connected via the cloud

Top trends in software development for 2023

Software is developing at a lightening pace offering endless opportunities for businesses to cut costs, save time and improve processes. We look at the latest software development trends.

Date: 4 April 2023 By:

Businesspeople putting money into a collective piggy bank

The importance of crowdfunding when launching a start up business

Crowdfunding offers a real alternative to traditional financing methods and could help you launch your start up business. Find out how.

Date: 29 March 2023 By:

Managing times of change requires a clear plan

When does your business need to change its management plan?

Businesses need to constantly adapt and change to keep up with developments in their sector. Discover when you might need a change management plan and how to create one.

Date: 24 March 2023 By:

Start Your Own Business podcast logo

What we learned from series four of the podcast

Find out what advice and tips our expert guests shared in series four of the Start Your Own Business podcast in order for it to have received over 75,000 downloads.

Date: 9 March 2023 By:

A map of the world with a multitude of faces

In-house translator vs translation agency. What to choose in 2023?

If you're entering new, overseas markets you will need to be able to communicate with customers in their own language. But what's the best way to do that? Via a translation agency or in-house staff.

Date: 9 February 2023 By:

A businessperson reviewing the monthly outgoings to identify possible savings

Eight simple steps for business survival during hard times

Eight business survival tips. As inflation and the cost of living crisis pushes up business costs and puts a squeeze on cash flow small businesses need to act now before it's too late.

Date: 10 October 2022 By:

Some of the Atom Content Marketing team photographed in the late 1990's

Ten key business lessons I've learned from my 25 years at Atom

What key small business lessons can you learn when you have worked for the same company for a quarter of a century. MD, Lisa Williams shares her top ten lessons.

Date: 28 September 2022 By:

A young, successful entrepreneur stands in his office

Not all entrepreneurs are rich. Here's what sets the successful apart

Entrepreneurs may be deified for their drive and ambition but to be really successful, they need certain qualities. We share five attributes of the successful.

Date: 15 September 2022 By:

A young African woman is working on her home-based online business from her kitchen table

Seven tips for starting a business when you work full time

Many people want to start their own business but are wary of taking the risk. To get around this, many continue working full time while the business gets off the ground. Find out how you can too.

Date: 23 August 2022 By:

Street poster with 'Advertising' written on it

These are the most affordable forms of advertising for startups

Advertising your business or products is vital to building brand awareness and getting sales. However many start-ups don't have the budget for big campaigns and flashy ads. Find out how your business can advertise without breaking the bank.

Date: 17 August 2022 By:

An entrepreneur signs a car finance application

Can you get car finance when starting up a business?

If your start up business needs a vehicle to operate, you might need car finance to purchase it. Here's a guide to car finance for small businesses.

Date: 3 August 2022 By:

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