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Online training and skills

Business doesn't stand still. To stay ahead of the curve, you need to continually develop and improve your skills and knowledge. We have gathered together a collection of courses from our team of experts that will help you keep your small business moving forward.

Start up Business Course

This course will guide you through the most common challenges that a start-up business will face. It includes monthly mentoring where you can ask experts your burning questions.

Personal Brand Masterclass

How can you build a strong personal brand? Learn how to talk about your passion, to understand your audience, tell your story, build leads and position yourself as an expert.

The Audience Building Extravaganza

Finding, growing and connecting with your audience can be the making of your business. Learn how to grow your audience across multiple platforms in this online course.

LinkedIn Masterclass

These days any self respecting professional needs a LinkedIn profile. But how do you make your profile stand out and work for you? Find out how to turn your profile into a lead generating tool.

The Consistency Club

Increase revenue and create the business of your dreams with this powerful, unique framework. Learn how to create the consistent monthly revenue you need to grow and scale.

Marketing foundations: ecommerce

Discover marketing tactics and tools to increase conversions and revenue, how to build an effective ecommerce site and how to take advantage of free traffic.

Time management: working from home

Working from home can present opportunities but is not without its challenges. Learn practical strategies to remain productive, organised and collaborate effectively with other remote workers.

Creativity at work

In this LinkedIn Learning course you will discover how to tap into your team’s creativity, explore the root causes of writer's block and impostor syndrome and get creative problem-solving tips.

Marketing your event

This LinkedIn Learning course offers tips and techniques to make your next event a success with a focus on how to successfully market your event.

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